
Discover the best solution for your business and let data do the work.

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MediaLens Core Features

In-Depth Keywords & Hashtags Analysis

Find out with hashtags and keywords have the highest performance, and improve your content with optimized keyword and hashtag compositions.

Boosted Ads & Dark Posts Monitoring

Monitor all the posts your competitors make, even the ones they don’t want you to know about. See their sponsored, branded, public, boosted, and dark posts, any time you want.

AI Auto-Detection

MediaLens’ AI Auto-Detection ensures you’re the first to know about the latest ads from your competitors and popular influencers and publishers, with 24/7 real time analysis. Get insight into their content performance with Ad Value.

Dynamic Data History & Report

Search Ads or pages in a specific time range to find out data on Ads and content of your competitors, observe their content and growth trend, and export reports in CSV or PDF format at any time.

Advanced Filter Searching

Refine your search with filter options ranging from group to product level and post types (Ad, branded, and dark posts) to get the most accurate results.

24/7 & Real-Time hot topics discovering

Discover real-time trending topics and feeds on social media, adapt to your own content strategy and get it viral!

MediaLens Plan and Functions

MediaLens offers different functions and analytics from personal to corporate level, contact us and let us find the best solution for your business!


for Personal Use

Access to

Social Performance Analysis
  • 360-Degree Visualised Content Insight
  • Best Publishing Time
  • Customised Internal Tagging
  • Audience Demographics
  • Boosted Ads & Dark Posts Monitoring

Customer Care


Usage Quota

1User Account

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for Freelancers

All features in Basic , plus

Competitor Analysis
  • Social Profiles Benchmarking
  • Social Keyword and Hashtag insight

Customer Care


Usage Quota

1User Account

5Social profiles monitoring and in-depth analysis

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for Marketing & Content Team

All features in Essential , plus

Social Performance Analysis
  • Editor Performance Analysis
Social Media Listening and Trend Prediction
  • Real-time social posts monitoring
  • Trending keyword heatmap
  • Interest group filtering

Customer Care


Usage Quota

5User Accounts

25Social profiles monitoring and in-depth analysis

Get Started

Social Intelligence Plans


for Personal Use


for Freelancers


for Marketing & Content Team

Social Performance Analysis

360-Degree Visualised Insight

Best Publishing Time

Customised Internal Tagging

Audience Demographics

Editor Performance Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Social Profiles Benchmarking

Keywords & Hashtags Benchmarking

Boosted Ads & Dark Posts Monitoring

Trend Prediction

Buzz Spotting

Keyword Cloud

Up-&-Rising Trends

Detailed Filtering on Trending Topics

Usage Quota

User accounts




In-Depth Analysis and Monitoring profiles (per month)



Ad Intelligence Categories

Ad Search Queries

Data History

Since 1 Jan 2020

Customer Care

Email Support

Tutorial and Help Center Resources

Customised Reports

In-App Onboarding Guide

Onboarding Session

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Additional service such as Growth Consultation, Customised Social Media Insight Report and Ad query quota are available to subscribers as top-up purchase. Contact Us and find out more!

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Will my page search quota be deducted every time I visit a profile?

Once an Ad Query quota has been deducted, users can read the profile unlimitedly before next month and recorded pages will be cleared every month and you can add new pages to see their data.

How long will my page search history remain?

Page usage history will be cleared every month, users page search quota and ad search query quota will be refreshed monthly based on the subscribed date.

Hong long will MediaLens track for ad posts?

Ad content and insight are auto-detected in a real-time basis, and will be stored in our Ad Intelligence database after the monitoring period.

How can I purchase additional Ad Query quota?

Subscribers can contact your account manager to top up their Ad Query quota within the existing service plan. Once activated, the updated quota will be effective for the whole subscription period.

Got more questions on our features?

  • How can Ad Value help?

    Ad value is determined by our algorithm according to advertiser’s follow no. and tiers. It gives you a fair estimate of how much ad dollars your competitors have spent.

  • Why does dark post data matter?

    Dark post data offers knowledge of competitors' keywords and content direction. MediaLens keeps a record of dark post data even when an advertiser changes the privacy of the post.

  • How can I keep up with the latest trend in the social world?

    MediaLens keeps track of real-time buzz topics of publishers and influencers in various interest segments. Topics and segmentation can be further refined with extensive advanced filter options.

  • How can I identify the influencer for my brand?

    In MediaLens’ influencer leaderboard, you can view pages and post insights of different influencers and pick the one who is aligned with your brand the most. Plus, similar influencers within the same category are recommended for a wider selection.

About MediaLens

MediaLens is your trusted social media strategic partner that strives to help you unlock the mist of social media with holistic and comprehensive data. Combining market expertise and data-driven insights, MediaLens offers functions like Ad Intelligence, social media trend prediction, influencer marketing analysis and competitor analysis to optimize your social media strategy and ROI.